Tanya holds up a brown piece of sea glass to the sunlight.


Welcome to Who University™
We’re building a space for you to imagine, create, embody, and enjoy who you truly are. Rather than staying stuck with who you were conditioned to be.

What is conditioning? It’s a set of learned habits, patterns, and beliefs we were imprinted with. These imprints came from our caregivers, our culture, society, religion, peers, and our life experiences. It is the code that was installed in us as we’ve grown up and adapted to our inner and outer environment. This code within us oftentimes is out of date, riddled with viruses, and no longer serves our highest functioning and capacity as evolving humans. Many of us are stuck in a cycle of survival.

Conditioning is the thing that is usually at the core of why…

  • We repeat unhealthy behaviors and habits
  • We are physically sick, dis-eased, and dis-ordered
  • We feel emotionally unbalanced, frustrated, disappointed, angry, and bitter
  • We have minds that feel like they are failing us or tormenting us
  • We have bodies full of fears, tears, rage, anxiety, depression, yet empty of joy, freedom, and peace
  • We keep having the same unfulfilling, even abusive relationships with people, money, work, sex, etc.
  • We’ve lost our ability to be creative, joyful, rested, and engaged with life

The intention of Who University™ is to be a place of learning alchemy, utilizing this conditioning to transform our past pain into fuel for a better, more fulfilling life experience today. One that is loving, compassionate, empowered, joyful, vital, expansive, and creative.

The vision I received back in early 2019 which was to become Who University™ was one of a supportive community and network, where everyone was welcome to experience who they truly are regardless of any past labels or experiences. A place to grow with others, around others who have chosen to take charge of their lives and explore who they authentically and truly are. A place to begin the deconditioning process and healing process that feels safe and supportive.

Every individual’s journey is unique. Our team is here to support you as you explore and experiment in the discovery of your authentic self. This is an environment to be in wonder and curiosity. A place to show up as your whole self without judgment. Everyone here at Who U has and still walks this path of imagination, creative expression, embodiment, and enjoyment. You are not alone.

Hi, I’m Tara!

You feel stuck. Energy is low.

Maybe you’re burned out. Or anxious.

Wish you felt loveable?  Or good enough?

Maybe you’re trying to figure out who you really are?

Or feel tired of being limited by your fears?

You’re ready. And here you are. Searching for a way…

You found the right person.

These are exactly the things I help people with.

I will help you find and light your inner fire…

I will help you feel your inherent self-worth and loveability.

You have unique gifts to offer this world.

The world needs you to live YOUR authentic life.

Without apology. Without compromise.

This is the unique gift I offer the world.

I deeply understand people. They feel heard. They feel seen. They feel valued.

I have years and years of experience as a therapist and coach. When I learned Human Design and Gene Keys, my gifts became magnified and laser-focused!

These tools are simply immeasurable gifts to the world. You can learn about them all over online. But how to use them to change your life is another matter.

Are you ready for profound, soul-level growth? Then you’ve found the right person!

I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor in Missouri and Kansas, USA. In therapy I specialize in anxiety, ADHD, and trauma and am EMDR trained.

When I came across Human Design through a business coach, I dove in deep.

I’m Level 4 certified in Quantum Human Design™ (QHD) and certified in the Quantum Alignment System™ (QAS). I also completed advanced training in QHD™ Life Cycle Analysis.

These tools have had a profound impact on my life and my work. I was already very focused and getting amazing results. But, QHD, QAS, and the wisdom of Gene Keys help me have a much deeper, lasting, and quicker impact with all of my clients.

Are you ready for some magic in your life??