We’ve forgotten this is true.

You have the power to create the life you want.
When you start asking Who am I?
Instead of How do I?
You are the creator of your world.
You are the artist, the sculptor, the scriptwriter
of this wildly authentic life.

We are WHO UNIVERSITY™. Join Us.

“When you take ownership of your own empowered narrative, you get to write the story of who you are and the how naturally unfolds.”

-Jade T Lumen

Within WU we are unwavering in the belief that every single person has inherent value and unique gifts to offer this world.

Within WU are equally relentless in our commitment to helping those who are willing, discover & believe that they are powerful and worthy.

Within WU we model what is possible by following our inner guidance and authority, not following others. 

Within WU we share what’s possible when you bring the power of your personal story, together with your willingness to discover self-love and value, to transform your life. 

Within WU we have cultivated a powerful, loving, private sanctuary community, for like-minded people to explore and grow Who they are. 

Within WU we love to play with Who we’ve been, Who we are now, and Who we are becoming. We know, Who you are is always WithIn Sight.

 Grab your HD Bodygraph to start playing with who you designed yourself to be.

Get started……..